Human resources management in public administration as an example of the National Revenue Administration
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperiego w Józefowie
Online publication date: 2023-06-27
Publication date: 2023-06-27
NSZ 2023;18(2):13-26
Human resources management in the National Revenue Administration (NRA), as in other
government administration institutions, is regulated by numerous legal acts. The key role here is played
by the head of the civil service, establishing (and supervising) the basic framework for human resources
management. The features and elements of the human resources management strategy in NRA are therefore
very similar to other government administration institutions. It differs only in adapting certain areas
to the specific tasks of this office. The analysis carried out by the author confirmed the thesis put forward
in the introduction to the study that the effectiveness of NRA functioning is not favorable compared to
other European Union countries. So the fundamental question arises: is this caused? After all, NRA staff is
well-educated (over 80% have higher education), is relatively well remunerated, has a fairly long seniority
and low fluctuation. Is the problem of relatively low NRA effectiveness due to the dysfunction of any of
the elements of HRM or other management areas of this organization?
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