„Modern Management Systems” is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Organization and Management which operates under the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. The Management Systems Department is responsible for the journal. The first issue of the journal was released in 2006.
Editor-in-chief: Ph.D Wioletta WEREDA
MNiSW 2024
Dear Sirs,

We cordially welcome You to the website of the journal „Modern Management Systems”. To facilitate the process of navigating through the website, we present below a list of tabs containing key information for visitors:

  • Modern Management Systems - current topics and a collection of all issues published so far,
  • For authors - guidelines for authors regarding the preparation of an article for publication,
  • For reviewers - guidelines for reviewers regarding the evaluation of submitted papers,
  • About the journal - general information about the journal.
We remain at your disposal in case of any questions or comments. Contact details for the editorial office are available here.

Yours sincerely,
The Editorial Office of the Modern Management Systems journal

Current issue

2/2024 vol. 19
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