For authors


Rules for publishing articles

1. Editors accept for publication texts of a scientific nature, written in Polish or English, which are devoted to theoretical and / or practical aspects of management.

2. There are no fees for submitting or publishing an article in Modern Management Systems.

3. In special cases, the editorial office may accept or order texts written in other languages for publishing.

4. Papers intended for publication should be sent to the Editorial Office of "MMS" along with the following data:
name and surname, academic (professional) title or academic degree, place of work with address and telephone number, address and telephone number for correspondence as well as e-mail address, via the electronic application system - Send the article.

5. By traditional mail or e-mail, the following should be sent: a copyright statement and a statement that the submitted work has not yet been published in print and has not been submitted to another editorial office.

6. The author undertakes to comply with the journal's Ethical Standards. More on that here

7. In accordance with the standards specified for scientific journals by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the editorial board asks the Authors to disclose information about entities contributing to the publication - Procedure securing the originality of the publication

8. The condition for accepting the text is its compliance with the profile of "Modern Management Systems" and the accepted rules of publishing. Texts that do not meet the established criteria will not be sent for publishing. The editorial office reserves the right to reject an application without a review, if the following criteria are not met:

  1. The thesis does not correspond to the journal's profile (objectives and scope of the journal, see link);
  2. Work does not bring significant new knowledge or value;
  3. The work does not present the discussed issues in a global dimension;
  4. The work exceeds 40,000 characters with spaces;
  5. The work does not meet the editing requirements;
  6. The quality of the English / Polish language at work is poor;
  7. The work contains significant errors or shortcomings;
  8. Insufficient bibliography is used: obsolete entries, locally published entries that are not included in the SCOPUS database (at least 50% of entries should be cited in SCOPUS, Web of Science, ERIH PLUS).

9. Research papers should be up to 40,000 characters long, including spaces.

10. The articles should be preceded by keywords (in Polish and English) and an abstract (in Polish and English).

11. In the case of co-authoring publications, it is necessary to precisely define the participation of individual authors in the implementation of a given article and to submit a relevant declaration by them.

12. Editors send for publication only articles that meet the scientific criteria and are linguistically and stylistically correct.

13. Before submitting articles in English (and in special cases in another foreign language) to the editorial office, Authors are required to subject their text to linguistic and stylistic revision (proofreading).

14. The article should be prepared in the following layout: article title, first and last name, affiliation of the author (s), keywords (about 5), abstract in Polish (about 10-15 lines), key words, title and abstract in in English, the text of the article, bibliography, bibliography of electronic sources.

15. The article should separate its components, including: introduction with a clearly formulated aim, scope and method of research; chapters containing research results with titles reflecting their content, concluding remarks.

16. The author, when submitting the text to the editorial office, transfers to the publisher the right to publish it (copyrights and publishing rights).

17. The editorial office reserves the right to make changes and abbreviations in the texts intended for publication.

Article review procedure

1. Each scientific article is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers from outside the unit represented by the Author.

2. Reviewing articles sent by university graduates, doctoral students, assistants and lecturers must be preceded by a written recommendation (review) of the academic tutor. The research supervisor may be a researcher holding at least a doctoral degree. The recommendation must contain arguments in favor of allowing the article to be published.

3. The rules relating to assistants and lecturers set out in point 2 do not apply to researchers with a doctoral degree who do not need to obtain a recommendation.

4. In the case of texts in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution other than the nationality of the author of the work.

5. We apply the principle that Authors and reviewers do not know their identities (the so-called double-blind review process).

6. The review must be in writing and end with an unambiguous conclusion as to the approval of the article for publication (in its current form or after taking into account the comments of the reviewer) or its rejection.

7. The rules for eligibility or rejection of publications are contained in the "Rules for Publishing Articles".

8. The condition for qualifying an article for publication is obtaining two positive reviews.

9. In special cases, in the event of obtaining contradictory reviews (one admitting and one rejecting), the editorial office may forward the article to a third reviewer.

10. After receiving the reviewers' comments, the Author is obliged (if necessary) to respond to them in writing within the time limit indicated by the editors. Failure to meet this deadline will be considered a resignation from publication of the work.

11. The names of the reviewers of individual publications / issues are not disclosed. On the other hand, once a year, the journal publishes a list of reviewers who constantly cooperate with the editorial office.
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