Value creation: the internal perspective
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School of Management and Technology Porto Polytechnic Institute, Center for Research and Innovation in Business Sciences and Information Systems - Ciicesi
Online publication date: 2018-09-24
Publication date: 2018-09-24
NSZ 2018;13(3):235-243
The present research aims to approach leadership techniques in order to analyze whether those techniques promote and stimulate value creation and co-creation. The main goals were the identificati on of value creation’s main sources in the footwear sector. This research was applied in a Portuguese region (Tâmega e Sousa) in the north of Portugal. In order to collect empirical data, the main focus was the learning and growth perspective, connected to the trinomial internal leadership, human capital’s valorization and added value’s creation. For the empirical research, a quantitative method was used in order to answer the main goal: In what way the ability to lead internal stakeholders promote value creation in the footwear industry? The data collection was achieved through a questionnaire applied, in person and via email, to industrial leaders and their employees. In an analysis to Tâmega e Sousa Region’s footwear industry, it was concluded that there is a clear focus in internal processes, customer retention and satisfaction as well as a transversal financial concern. However there is a low investment in the learning and growth perspective. That means, there’s a need to invest and/or develop motivational, performance and knowledge management processes and to define policies for recognition, relationship valorization and competence development. Keywords: leadership, value, knowledge, satisfaction, valorization.
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