New technologies in the recruitment and selection process
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Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie, Wydział Cybernetyki
Antal International Ltd, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-09-24
Publication date: 2018-09-24
NSZ 2018;13(3):219-232
Well-conducted recruitment process is extremely important for the organization, permitting in-depth and objective verification of candidates in terms of meeting employer’s expectations and finally leads to their employment. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze how new technology has influneced the recruitment process as a whole. The recruitment process will be presented on two examples: namely ItutorGroup and a chain of luxury clothing saloons. The recruitment in ITutor group was solely based on new technology with a limited interference of human factor. Its selection and recruitment strategy was based on video-recruitment. The second case study describes the cooperation between a personnel consulting agency and a luxury retail chain with the purpose to recruit and employ salespersons in Poland by introducing Big Data activities in social media and scouting. The findings indicate that e-recruitment transforms the traditional recruitment process into a time- and space-independent, collaborative hiring process. The most significant changes are recorded in the sequence and increased divisibility of main recruitment tasks. For management, the main task is now that of communicating with candidates. On the other hand, in some recruitment projects we can not solely depend on new technologies in recruiting in some professions. Direct recruitment in the form of face to face contacts with potential candidates extended the process in time but it allowed to obtain “tailored made” candidates ready to undertake work straightaway. Recruitment and selection strategy based on modern technologies requires an experienced and competent team, two unquestionable benefits are: limiting the length of the process in time and possibility to decrease the costs.
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