The concept of security is one of those topics that often appear on the international forum and national discussion panels. This is partly due to the impermanence of the already achieved security state. An argument in favor of the need to raise this subject are also the components of modern security, which change with technological progress, globalization and civilizational development. Security is defined in many ways, where its context depends on the considerations, conditions and threats that occur. However, regardless of the subjectively proclaimed views, security is and will be a fundamental need, the fulfillment of which determines the proper functioning of man, the state and international communities. The aim of this study is to analyze selected aspects that seem to have a significant impact on the perception of modern security. Attention was also focused on the concept of cybersecurity and the importance of information for an ever-evolving civilization. The achievement of the abovementioned objective was possible on the basis of an analysis of the available literature on the subject and the expertise already possessed, on the basis of which important assessments and conclusions were made for this publication. On the basis of the conducted analyses, it can be concluded that the shape of modern security is influenced not only by its threat, but also by progress in many areas and changing technological conditions. The presented results and considerations in this publication may prove helpful for further divagations attempting to comprehensively understand changes in security and attempts to make estimates of its future shape.
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