Assessment of the classification and typology of benchmarking using the conditions of correct logical division of concepts
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Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza, Wydział Zarządzania
Online publication date: 2022-12-16
Publication date: 2022-12-16
NSZ 2022;17(4):79-90
The number of types and classes of benchmarking cited in the literature proves not only the great interest of researchers in this issue, but also the lack of systematization of theoretical issues in the area of benchmarking classification and typology. The divisions of benchmarking are characterized by a certain inconsistency and violation of the applicable logical rules. As a result, a large number of its classifications and typologies make it difficult to properly understand the essence of its particular types and the use of benchmarking theory in practice. The purpose of this article was to sort out the classification and typology of benchmarking with the use of the principles of correct logical division of concepts. Deductive methods of scientific work were used, which allowed for the reconstruction of knowledge derived from the studied literature and for drawing conclusions relevant to achieving the objective. Due to the article volume limitations, the mechanism of creating correct logical divisions has been shown. The simplest division of benchmarking that ensures correctness ex definitione is a dichotomous one. Dichotomous logical divisions of benchmarking were developed according to selected criteria, i.e. object, industry, subject, type of data, degree of formalization, external support, frequency and relations between partners in benchmarking. Taking into account the large number of benchmarking classifications and typologies in the literature, it was considered appropriate to distinguish internal and external benchmarking as two basic classes. The other types of benchmarking fall into these two categories. Internal and external benchmarking (sub-ranges obtained as a result of a logical division according to the criterion of the object), can be subdivided according to subsequent division criteria, obtaining a multi-level classification or typology of benchmarking. The presented proposals to sort out the issues related to the benchmarking classification and typology may contribute to the development of the benchmarking theory by forming the correct knowledge in this area.
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