Driving public organisations using information technology. An entrepreneurial challenge
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Parthenope University of Naples, Department of Business and Economics
Publication date: 2021-03-23
NSZ 2021;16(1):71-85
Technology is giving to entrepreneurial challenges when it comes to reinventing democratic and open governments. Building a digital government helps to transform public organisations into institutions which encourage citizen participation in order to involve citizens in the work of government. The aim of this study is to explain how technology is leading to an entrepreneurial challenge in terms of reinventing and building an open and digital government. Technology in government helps to democratise public life and improve the quality of public service delivery while also strengthening the quality of life for citizens. Driving change in the public sector relies on sustaining the need for technology-driven public entrepreneurship by rethinking public organisations as technology-enabled platforms which contribute to engendering public and social value co-creation through sustaining the co-production of services for rediscovering the active role of citizens in the work of government.
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