Qualitative aspects of Industry 4.0 as a determinant of the improvement of the information security management system
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War Studies University, Warsaw
Online publication date: 2024-06-30
Publication date: 2024-06-30
NSZ 2024;19(1):75-88
Summary of issues and justification for taking up the topic The basic goal of the article is to emphasize the importance of Industry 4.0, which intersects with today's reality. The fourth industrial revolution combines the concepts of classical and digital technologies, using the industrial Internet of Things. Every activity carried out using technology requires an appropriate flow of all types of information to ensure data security. The article also shows the importance of the Information Security Management System, because the amount of data processed using information technology is huge. Nowadays, society systematically shares its data without thinking about the consequences. Increasingly, personal data is equated with currency, as in order to obtain a discount or future financial benefits, data is shared regardless of the consequences. The Information Security Management System requires continuous improvement of organizations processing data about identified or identifiable persons. However, independent verification and consent to data processing are also extremely important.
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