Dependency in the arrangement: changes in the macroenvironment and determinants of action strategy choice for a selected group of entities on the aviation market during Covid-19 pandemic
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Akademia Sztuki Wojennej, Wydział Zarządzania i Dowodzenia Instytut Zarządzania Lotnictwem Cywilnym
Online publication date: 2022-06-30
Publication date: 2022-06-30
NSZ 2022;17(2):29-45
Basing on the theoretical assumptions of the functioning of the macroenvironment of the organization, with particular emphasis on its dimensions and its importance for the organization, the factors of change for the conduct of the airline's operations on the air service market during Covid-19 pandemic were identified, using case study as a leading research method. The system of relations among these factors and the shape of the action strategy was shown. The principles of the system functioning, consisting of an airline, an airport and a ground handling agent, were indicated. The significance of the crisis in the airline's operations for changes impacting other entities in this system of relations was specified. The implementation of the above-described shape of the research procedure made it possible to conduct ‘in action research’, i.e. the actual identification of the relation between macroenvironment and the strategy of operation and the assessment of the nature, scope and intensity of these relations, and, in the future, adaptation of activities to the changes taking place.
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