Healthcare professional burnout - a brief overview of the examples from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic period
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Politechnika Białostocka, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Katedra Zarządzania, Ekonomii i Finansów
Online publication date: 2022-06-30
Publication date: 2022-06-30
NSZ 2022;17(2):69-78
When looking at the phenomenon of occupational burnout from a broad perspective, it appears as a serious problem for many environments. However, in the case of healthcare services, it should be considered an absolute priority, especially in the conditions of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. First of all, it is about the huge costs of both healthcare providers, patients and their families, as well as the entire healthcare system. The purpose of this publication is to provide basic information and systematize knowledge on burnout of medical workers in the initial period of COVID-19.
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