Shifting from face to face to online teaching due to COVID-19 pandemic – personal assessment of American and Polish higher education teachers
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Military University of Technology, Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management
Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security And Resource Strategy
Online publication date: 2020-12-18
Publication date: 2020-12-18
NSZ 2020;15(4):27-38
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many faculty members were required to abruptly shift from face-to-face to online teaching. Within this, some instructors managed well, while others struggled. This COVID-19 induced shift to online teaching constitutes a clear achievement situation is that for many faculty members, it marked the first time that it was mandatory for all courses to be exclusively taught online what proved to be challenging for teachers. Therefore the objective of the paper is to present first-hand experience of academic teachers in Poland and USA representing Military University of Technology and National Defence University in USA. Given the sudden nature of transitioning from an in-residence program to an on-line program, the Eisenhower School in USA and Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management in Poland encountered many issues identified in the literature, like understanding student learning styles and culture; applying best pedagogical approaches; managing technology and technological issues; receiving sufficient technical training; and preparation and execution time management challenges ( Islam, Beer, and Slack 2015). The authors postulate that on-line teaching should be regarded as complimentary to traditional teaching, as nothing will replace face to face contact.
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