Understanding the cyber-physical-social-intentional Workforce 4.0
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Anglia Ruskin University Lord Ashcroft International Business School
Online publication date: 2019-09-25
Publication date: 2019-09-25
NSZ 2019;14(3):15-26
The widespread application of Industry 4.0 technologies relating to social robotics, AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), ubiquitous computing, and advanced human-computer interfaces is giving rise to a growing range of “cyber-physical” entities. By building on established definitions of such entities, this text formulates a novel conceptual framework for understanding the emerging Workforce 4.0 as a specialized type of “cyber-physical-social-intentional system”. Attention is given to the heterogeneous agency, functional decentralization, technological posthumanization, and planned architectures or spontaneously self-organizing topologies manifested by Workforce 4.0. It is shown how such a workforce is situated within the context of cyber-physical space, a cyber-physical organization, cyber-physical ecosystems, a cyber-physical society, and the larger cyber-physical world.
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