Poland ceramic tiles market
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Wydział Zarządzania
Online publication date: 2022-09-26
Publication date: 2022-09-26
NSZ 2022;17(3):25-36
The practical and modern designer solution associated with the use of ceramic tiles has become the main estethic value in the completed facilities and residential buildings. Currently, there are specific needs and expectations of prospects in the construction market. Therefore, the purpose of this discussion is to analyze the ceramic tiles market in Poland. At the beginning, the processes taking place in the construction market were analyzed and the product, which is a ceramic tile, was characterized along with the treatments executed to increase sales efficiency. Issues related to the benefits of import and export of construction ceramics were then presented. At the end of the analysis, the values of retail sales were approximated. The knowledge and high managerial commitment increase interest in ceramic tiles on the domestic market, and despite the pandemic, an increase in the sale of utility ceramics is noticeable. The purpose of the article is to show the interest of customers in the construction ceramics sector in the last few years. The paper presents the most important designer aspects in the construction market in Poland. It also demonstrates the characteristics of the Polish ceramic tile market, both in terms of supply and demand, and shows the changes that occurred in this sector and significantly improved the situation of domestic producers. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ceramic tiles sales in Poland and market segmentation in this scope were taken into account. The methodological assumptions of this paper included mainly indirect research methods based on a critical analysis of the source literature and statistical data from Statistics Poland and Euromonitor International. The acquirement of detailed information on the topic under consideration and presentation of the analyzed data translated into broadening the extant knowledge about the ceramics market in Poland. The paper inquires the following research questions: Has the ceramic tile market in Poland changed in recent years? Which producers of construction ceramics in Poland are prominent?
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