Leadership qualities of physical training teacher of higher military educational institution
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Zhytomyr Korolov Military Institute, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Online publication date: 2024-06-30
Publication date: 2024-06-30
NSZ 2024;19(1):89-100
The effectiveness of higher education teacher’s (hereinafter in the text: teacher) work, the success of cadets in physical culture and sports events, the level of their somatic health and psychophysical state largely depends on the high level of professional training of physical education specialists, the leadership qualities of teachers, and their attitude to the educational and training process. The article considers the issue of leadership qualities of physical training teacher of a higher military educational institution in the process of physical education, special physical training and sports of future officers. The research was conducted jointly by specialists of the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports of the Zhytomyr Korolov Military Institute in 2021-2022. In the study, which was aimed to research the leadership qualities of teachers of the Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports, senior year cadets as future officers (n = 446) took part. According to the results of an anonymous survey of cadets regarding the determination of the leadership qualities of physical training teachers of the military institute and the relationship between future officers and teachers during physical training classes and individual work with cadets, it was stated that the majority of respondents consider the following to be the main leadership qualities: expertise (knowledge in professional field) (80.4%), organizational skills (75.4%), physical fitness (69.3%), willpower (62.1%), discipline (60.1%), admiration feelings (58.5%), kindness (57.7%). Mutual relations of respect and trust (69.6%), companionship (61.1%), friendly relations (48.9%), etc., prevail between teachers and cadets. Thus, the effectiveness of physical training classes at a higher military educational institution largely depends on the leadership qualities of the teacher and his authority.
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