New technologies in consulting sector – the paradigm of agility
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Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie, Wydział Cybernetyki
Online publication date: 2017-06-30
Publication date: 2017-06-30
NSZ 2017;12(2):133-146
In order to keep pace with the demands of the ever-changing knowledge economy, organizations must be aware of the knowledge sharing tools that are in use today, customizing the technology to help them maintain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Moreover because of the competitive environment the shift is towards agile paradigm. The outcome of this study will enable further under­standing of knowledge sharing in consulting companies and will therefore contribute towards successful implementation of knowledge sharing as part of organizational knowledge sharing culture. The limita­tions identińed were the use of interview as the only form of data collection, since the company did not authorize the collection of documents, the interviews were conducted via Skype®. The ńndings are based on one case study and the ńndings are not generalizable. The results of this research may be useful for academics and organizations because they deepen the discussion on knowledge sharing in global teams.
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