The strategies for the internationalization of Polish businesses on the Euromarket
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Online publication date: 2023-12-31
Publication date: 2023-12-31
NSZ 2023;18(4):119-134
The paper tackles the issue of the selection of appropriate forms of internationalization on the EU market by Polish businesses. The objective of the article is to identify appropriate strategies for the internationali-zation of Polish businesses on the Euromarket, taking into account the assessment of SMEs and large enti-ties and enterprises attributable to the volume of foreign revenues. The theoretical part discusses issues related to the internationalization on the Euromarket and explains the importance of export, contract, co-operation and foreign investment forms. The research paper is based on the results of analyzes conducted on a sample model of Polish enterprises. Four research hypotheses were formulated. In order to verify them, statistical analyzes were used, i.e. the descriptive statistics method and the chi-square test of inde-pendence. Predicated on statistical tests, no relationship was found between the size of a business and the forms of internationalization on the Euromarket. However, it was proved that there are dependencies be-tween groups of enterprises depending on the volume of foreign revenues and internationalization strate-gies on the Euromarket, in particular regarding forms of cooperation and capital investments. In addition, appropriate expansion strategies on the Euromarket were identified, which, according to the respondents, include mainly export forms, to a lesser extent contractual forms and foreign investments, and less often cooperative ones. The least applicable strategies for the internationalization of Polish businesses are co-operative forms, both for small and medium-sized enterprises and for entities with high foreign revenues. The final part of the paper consists of conclusions and a summary.
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