The role of marketing activities in building a brand and developing small wineries in Poland
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Online publication date: 2024-09-30
Publication date: 2024-09-30
NSZ 2024;19(2):29-48
In recent years, significant changes have been observed in the wine market in Poland. They are mainly characterized by a dynamic growth in the number of vineyards and the blooming interest of consumers in local wines. This changing reality obliges entities involved in wine production to undertake specific marketing activities in order to stand out in the competitive market. The aim of this paper is to identify and analyze marketing activities conducted by a small enterprise operating in the wine sector in Poland. The study embraced a detailed analysis of marketing practices and their impact on the functioning of the enterprise. The theoretical section addresses the characteristics of the wine market in Poland by the agency of a literature exploration and current statistical data. Furthermore, the subsection discusses marketing activities undertaken by vineyards, such as promotion by means of tastings, presence at trade fairs and industry events, as well as the use of new media to communicate with customers. The following part of the paper describes the methodology of the study, presenting the principles of the case study research method employed therein and formulating research questions. The latter examined the type of activities exercised by the enterprise and the method of communication in social media. The empirical section presents marketing activities undertaken by a young Polish winery and analyses its social media profiles. The study revealed that the winery actively uses social media as a key tool for building relationships with customers and shaping its positive image. Activities such as regular publications, interaction with customers, and the organization of events contributed to increasing the winery recognition and acquiring loyal customers. The concluding section contains a summary, presenting conclusions on the effectiveness of the marketing strategies used and proposals for solutions for other companies in the wine sector. The research results suggest that a personalized approach to marketing, the use of modern communication tools and flexibility in adapting to changing market conditions are crucial to the success of entities operating in the wine sector.
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