Evolution of FinTech: A Systematic Literature Review
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Visvesvaraya Technological University, Mysore, India
Online publication date: 2024-09-30
Publication date: 2024-09-30
NSZ 2024;19(2):49-62
“FinTech” is a term derived from “Financial technology,” relating to innovative financial solutions permitted by technology. It denotes a contemporary combination of financial services and information technology. However, the integration of finance and technology has deep historical heritages and has advanced through four distinct eras: initially financial globalization then Analogue to digital, after transitioning to digital finance in the late 20th century. Since 2018, a new FinTech era has emerged globally, marked not merely by new financial products, but by state-of-the-art delivery methods driven by swiftly advancing technology, particularly in retail banking. This latest phase, Disruptive Technologies, presents regulatory and operational challenges, emphasizing the need to balance the potential aids of innovation against inherent risks. Our analysis of FinTech’s 157-year evolution maintains against premature or overly rigid regulation at this fundamental crisis.
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