Problems of digitalization in institutions of higher education
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Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine
Online publication date: 2023-09-26
Publication date: 2023-09-26
NSZ 2023;18(3):85-98
Today, digitalization of higher education has become a vital necessity for quality education of students. With the help of digitization, it is possible to significantly expand the competencies of students and teachers. This process is influenced by certain circumstances, the most important of which are technical and technological capabilities and a complex of problems that arise in the event of an imperfect or even non-existent digitalization strategy of the organization. A strategy that can be implemented involves the development of a clear plan of action, it is broken down into stages, its goal is achievable, and intermediate goals are simple and clear; problems should, if possible, be foreseen and methods of their leveling should be calculated in advance. The article considers three alternative directions of digitalization of higher education, tentatively named: “Intensive technological adaptation”, “Balanced digitalization” and “Innovative digital transformation”. Each of these directions requires specific aspects of implementation. The objects of influence of digitalization in the institution of higher education are: educational and administrative procedures; scientific research; international cooperation and student life. Ivan Franko Lviv National University has developed a long-term digitalization strategy, however, after an acute force majeure situation (the COVID-19 pandemic) arose, there was a need to accelerate the introduction of digitalization, online learning platforms, distance and blended learning; it was implemented in the shortest possible time. After the emergence of an acute armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine, the need for further digitization only intensified, today it concerns not only the educational process, but also the possibility of preserving traditional values and cultural heritage, expanding research opportunities and international cooperation. The use of interactive and practical elements of education (discussions, seminars, laboratory classes and workshops) remains very important, you should not completely abandon live communication.
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