Goals and assumptions of climate policy for 2030 in the context of implementation of energy systems
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Inspektorat Wsparcia Sił Zbrojnych, Bydgoszcz
Online publication date: 2024-09-30
Publication date: 2024-09-30
NSZ 2024;19(2):113-127
The aim of the article is to analyze the literature on the subject of research in the field of the European Union’s climate policy until 2030, and to analyze and evaluate data on the estimated development expenditure of the Polish budget for 2016-2025 on fossil deposits and energy. The study presents in a synthetic way the determinants resulting from the documents adopted and approved by the European Union, which constitute the basis for the implementation in EU countries of projects aimed at practical adaptation and implementation of these provisions in the closer perspective to 2030 and further to 2050. The above law constitutes a kind of protective umbrella for the natural environment, providing future generations with opportunities for further sustainable economic development. An attempt was also made to show how, in practice, based on the implemented directives, the growth of renewable energy sources is progressing and will progress in correlation to fossil fuels, forecasts of the expected achievement of energy goals in the coming years as well as financial losses for the global economy that could be successfully adapted. for investment purposes. A growing trend was demonstrated in the estimated development expenditure of the Polish budget for 2016-2025 on fossil deposits and energy. The article uses research methods mainly of analysis and inference. The research carried out in the study was based on retrospective data, extended by the analysis of the literature on the subject of the research, allowed for conclusions, the results of which are important for Poland’s Energy Policy for 2030-2050.
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